Between the sea and the sky...

“Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.”
Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Brutal, efficient, a civilized savage in a primal world of anachronisms and modern riddles. Part of a tribe that had been 'lost' for over 200 years, she came across a band of foreign visitors while venturing out on the Steppe. This was the first taste of a vast reality beyond the yurts of her tribe and the wandering life of being a warrior and hunter. One to train diligently and live for the fight, she has honed her skills in more than one style of fighting, seeking to find the most challenging of prey to hunt and conquer.
That said, Katsuyo is not a fool to be merely blinded by wishes for victory nor ruled by less than a logical mind in the right moments, yet anger and passion run through her psyche, tempered little by the wish for blood, guts, and glory. The flesh is but one means of currency, and hunting the most sentient of beings is perhaps her greatest challenge. She occasionally offers her services for hunting and other martial tasks.
A lover of cakes in pans, one delicacy discovered since coming to Eorzea, she enjoys life at its most simple level, yet the complexities are not beyond her. Not a shy woman, she has no problem taking what is wanted or striving for what is earned. She respects those that earn it and does not suffer fools lightly.

The Basics

“And the danger is that in this move toward new horizons and far directions, that I may lose what I have now, and not find anything except loneliness.”
Sylvia Plath, The Unabridged Journals of Sylvia Plath

There is a certain amount of wonder to behold within the world at the pinnacle of the night when the moon is at its highest point in the sky, whether just a sliver or a fuller circle of light beckoning to the travelers below. Katsuyo inhales deeply to enjoy the fresh night air, treasuring the all too familiar scent of cherry blossoms on the wind and a sign that spring has returned to the region even as a subtle bite of cold still nips at the air. Perhaps the latter is more the bard’s imagination as she turns to spy something familiar in the distance.

Hair: Midnight blue/purple
Eyes: Silver/GreyHeight: ShortBuild: Athletic/FitDistinguishing Marks:Sigils of black hue on her torso to back, which continue downward around her hips and belly - sometimes hidden from normal view.PERSONAL –––Profession: Hunter, Archaeologist, Reader of Cards, ExplorerHobbies: Dance, The Way of Tea (Ceremonies, etc.)Languages: Xaelic (Xaelic Dialects), Doman, Hingan, EorzeanResidence: Under the Stars, Tents, whatever Inn she finds locally when traveling.Birthplace: Small valley in the western reaches of the steppes.Religion: PrivateFears: Being consumed by one of the artifacts that she pursues and studies, much like her sister might have been.RELATIONSHIPS –––Spouse: NoneChildren: NoneParents: Both are alive and living in the small valley where her tribe resides.Siblings: Brothers and a sister.TRAITS –––
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / OrganizedClose Minded / In Between / Open MindedCalm / In Between / AnxiousDisagreeable / In Between / AgreeableCautious / In Between / RecklessPatient / In Between / InpatientOutspoken / In Between / ReservedLeader / In Between / FollowerEmpathetic / In Between / ApatheticOptimistic / In Between / PessimisticTraditional / In Between / ModernHard-working / In Between / LazyCultured / In Between / UnculturedLoyal / In Between / DisloyalADDITIONAL INFORMATIONSmoking Habit: NoDrugs: NoAlcohol: Occasionally/Socially**RP HOOKS **—
- *Relic Hunting/Tomb Raiding/Artifacts - She is interested in these for finding and studying various artifacts of interest, no matter what the cultural background or other origins might be in most cases. She also has been known to tomb raiding, though is sure not to disturb spots better left as sacred to someone or something (in most cases).
- Hunter, Explorer - She hunts many things, both living and non-living. Takes on bounties at times and also leads expeditions for travelers in the steppes and other regions.- Other stuff is possible so if you have an idea, just suggest away. I love plots and other things.RANDOM DETAILS –––Her personality tends to be serious about her work and when needed. She has a good sense of humor and an appreciation for the such, especially even at her own expense. With the dangerous nature of her tomb raiding at times, she has found that life is too short to be entirely full of one’s self.CONTACT INFORMATION –––
I am on discord. If interested, just ask me for that information to get added, and let me know who you are too.
I am also in the game with the same name as the character on the Balmung server for FFXIV.

OOC Details

What I Am Looking For –––
Long-Term Story Opportunities - I do enjoy the one-off and shorter role-play scenarios, but I am also looking for longer-term story/plot possibilities with other characters. If you have any ideas, or interests, and think that my character may fit with yours or vice versa, feel free to contact me.
Pre-existing Relationships - This can be interesting, and if you have an angle that works, let me know.
In-game/Discord RP - I like in-game RP as my first choice, but I am open to RP via DIscord too as I started in an entire text medium back in someday.
Types of Role-play - I am fairly open-minded about types, though relationship/love role-play is not the first option that I seek. Lust and other stuff can happen, though ERP (which I am not against if it fits into the story/RP/whatever) is also not my first or even last thing that is sought. I like intrigue, enemies/rivals, strong friends/allies, humor… and well, the sky can be a limit.
Communication/Good vibes OOC - Even if our characters are bitter enemies or whatever IC, I like to think that the ‘out of character' stuff can always stay civil, amiable, and so forth so all involved have a good time in whatever direction RP goes. I am always willing to listen to communication if a story direction/idea is not working for others involved in the RP and am open to changes if agreed upon by all involved. It is about the journey for me, not the destination.
About RP style –––
Paragraph role player - I tend to articulate myself in longer sentences though I am not one abusing the thesaurus either. I am fine with the shorter sentences and just dialogue as I have adjusted to RP styles in MMOs. I just love a good story/plot/scene and so forth.
Lore - I tend to stick with the stuff that fits the setting, and I am still refreshing my knowledge on that at times. If something I do does not fit or make sense, let me know. I may bend a little at times for those interested, but I am always one for keeping things fun for all in I engage in RP, and I respect preferences to some extent there.
Why so serious? - While I adore intense, serious role play at times, I believe humor does the body, mind, and soul good, so I enjoy having fun at the expense of my own character at times and perhaps others, but never in a non-fun way (at least OOC non-fun).

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